Sunday, April 16, 2006

Build Your E-Mail List For Perpetual Profits!

Author: Karima Begag

If you are totally new to internet marketing the list is simply a collection of e-mail contact addresses from highly targeted prospects, in other words the list contains e-mails from people who signaled their interest to receive more information from you after they visited your website on the internet.

It is pretty straight forward, people like you and me surf the internet looking for good and free information on topics that interest them and when they “stumble” upon your website they learn that you have great products that can help them solve certain problems or just info-products on subjects they want to educate themselves in, like for example an e-book about “how to train your dog so it will obey you” or “great soup recipes” or “how to shed the last 10 pounds”…

However, most of the people won’t buy your product immediately no matter how excellent it is but they would be more than inclined to give you their e-mail address and their permission to send them more information for free. This information is usually a newsletter you publish and send to your subscribers on a regular basis or free good reports offering them the kind of quality information they are hungry for.

Many experienced Internet marketers discovered that some subscribers never buy before they have received 5 to 7 messages from you. And if you think about it for a second, having prospects to contact is like building a new relationship with someone you didn’t know before but you hope to become friends with , some day.

Invest in your Education and Make Money.

You would be very wise indeed if you respected and highly valued your subscribers by giving them the best service you can give them. A good way to do that is to keep educating yourself and by asking them what they would like to know and give it to them. Eventually they will buy your products and it goes without saying that your products must be outstanding! Meaning you should have a system for perpetual improvements in order for you to make perpetual profits selling awesome products to groups of people who are hungry for them and can use them to help themselves in some way or another.

Make your free information valuable to your subscribers and they will want to buy your products because they trust that the information they pay you for is outstanding. There are many ways to make your information stand out and valuable to your list but this is a subject for another article. In this article we’ll explore some creative ways to get people to willingly sign up in your list in the first place.

You surely surfed the Internet before and you probably opted in on some websites “subscribers box”. Now, stop for a second and think about it, why did you leave your e-mail contact info there? What attracted you to their website?

By answering these questions you will discover a lot about the art and science of building a profitable subscribers list. Furthermore, you can learn a lot from successful marketers so add any profitable list building strategies you discover to your online marketing efforts.

Creative and Appealing Strategies to Build You Subscribers List.

1. Here comes the “first commandment of internet marketing”. You have to include at least one sign up form / box where people can actually enter their names and e-mail contact. Don’t bother marketing your site unless you have a way to capture e-mail addresses from interested prospects. This marketing tool is perhaps the most important thing to have because if you have no list then you have no money-making business. You need to have an autoresponder to gather e-mails and do all the follow up with your subscribers by sending them your newsletters, new product announcements and the like. If you are on a tight marketing budget you might use a free autoresponder like Get Response: type Get Response on your Google search engine and you’ll find it. Good autoresponders cost around $20 per month but if you are starting off, a free autoresponder will do. Just get started and learn!

2. Offer your future customers one or more outstanding Freebies for example a free e-book or report that answers some pressing questions they have. Surf the net and look inside forums and groups from your targeted niche to find out first hand what kind of information people are looking for and most importantly what problems they want to solve. More likely than not people will also divulge the “solutions” they came up with or tips they have already tried but didn’t get them the kind of results they were hoping for, so there is your chance to make a “hot selling” product for them accompanied by new “hot Freebies” and they will give you their e-mail addresses.

3. Create an opt-in box in every single page of your site. This works great because people are encouraged to give you their e-mail when they see an opt-in box promising them an instant download of an excellent report and some people might come to your site through any page the search engine indexed other than your home page.

4. Write articles and post them on your website to increase your search engine exposure and invite people to enter their e-mails so you can send them more of the valuable stuff you have to offer. Article marketing will generate traffic to your site: post good articles on article directories. If you have some specialized or expert’s knowledge share it with the people and they will click on your link and make your list grow.

5. Show your autoresponder address when you place adds or in your author’s resource box so you can follow up with your prospects by sending them free info.

6. Use pop-up windows with a different “instant Freebie” and you will increase your e-mail capture rate dramatically. People are always interested in different free reports. Keep changing or updating your Freebies and adding more enticing stuff to give to your website visitors.

7. A clever way to get more prospects is to publish a really good ezine with tips and tricks they can use and ask them to share it with friends and associates. Some people would enter in a snail mail of their friends so send those a letter or postcard with a gift offer so they can visit your website, leave their e-mail and get a special Freebie not advertised otherwise.

8. If you have a physical or conventional business plus a website to sell products or services ask your customers to give you their e-mail so you can keep them up to date with changes and they can receive your helpful ezine.

9. Use contests so people give you their addresses but be careful and aware of any rules that may apply to certain types of contests.

10. Make a teleseminar and upload the audio to your site, create a pop-up window so the visitors who are interested have to enter their e-mail before getting access to your valuable audio seminar.

11. Interview specialists and ask people to enter the e-mail before they can access the new and hot information.

12. Think of new ways to make your website, free info and products attractive to your visitors. Ask them to leave feedback and to ask you questions and deliver to them what they want to know so they will buy what they want to have from you.

Internet marketing is a great money making opportunity and you need to be well informed and aware of your potential customers’ needs and the type of information they’re interested in, the kind of problems they want to solve, then simply do your very best to give it to them and watch your sales soar and your income increase. Never be dishonest, give them what you promise but I suggest you give them more, surprise them with higher quality, bonuses and they will be delighted to buy from you!

Please understand that not all people who become subscribers will buy from you but I know interesting success stories where some subscribers opted in 2 or 3 years before they bought anything. Some people subscribe, unsubscribe and then subscribe again to buy so make your products irresistible to your future customers and the business is yours!

To your online business success..

About the Author: Karima Begag is an internet marketer using powerful Internet Profits tools and techniques to make real money online even if you are a beginner. She is also a success, creativity and manifestation trainer and coach.

This is one of the many amazing and powerful techniques taught at:

Build Your Internet Business For Success

Author: James Little

It has arrived! Millions of people are tapping into the internet era to do business; some are even generating good earning and live by it. If you are looking to kick off your internet home business, well, you’ll need to build a website that would entice and secure your visitors’ loyalty, turn them into paying customers and keep coming back. Good understanding of what works and what’s not will help you build a lucrative income generating internet home business.

Researches show the most critical area is the fact that you have only 10 seconds or less to quickly grab your visitor's attention, and make them wanting to stay on your site longer. This should be the root factor in designing your internet business website unless you are simply doing for fun or leisure where you are not looking to earn money from it.

For your internet based business, you need to have a clear understanding as to the fact that you are not simply just selling some product, but you are consuming people time! This is one of the most forgotten issues. In actual fact, visitors are allocating their time to you when they are viewing your website. So make sure your site do what it is expected in return for their precious time.

Once you have a website that’s able to draw customer’s interest into paying customer for your internet based business, you then need to further structure up the process so that you got the final “Yes” click thru. Whether the desired click is the "Order" or "Subscribe Now" button, you would definitely want to lead your customer to perform that action. In order to get to that goal, start creating the website from customers or visitors view point. In this aspect, your view point as seller does not count. It is really up to the visitor’s decision whether or not they would like to award you with business.

When you build and create a website for your internet business, you are actually creating an environment that provides the kind of expected benefits for the visitors when they drop by the site. They need to be clearly shown that your business website is able to provide what they are looking for.

Commonly, customers want to avoid risk, save money, get tools that help them and more. In that aspect, your business website needs to show visitors what is in it for them when they arrive at your site. In return, they will become your paying customer when they are satisfied with the service your business is able to offer.

The key point in building up your internet business, and effective money generating business website is to know who are your potential consumers, or will be; to clearly understand their needs, and turn them into loyal and paying customers who provide the basis of your business survival, let alone thriving.

Do spend time to do researches in order to find out more information about your targeted potential customer; in fact the more detailed the better. You need to know clearly what types of people will be patronizing your internet business, what they like to have…etc.

The more you know and understand about your potential customers, the more you are able to focus in building your business website to cater for their needs, thus the more successful your business as it goes in the long run.

Get Your Business listed in Biz Network Directory for business leads. Network sites consist Web Resources Search and Business Leads Center are also business platforms.

Will Video Overtake Rich Ads?

Author: Dorian Sweet

Every day an article's published about how online enables free video content from major TV network programming. If you haven't read these articles online, you could probably watch the shows on TV and they'll tell you to go to the Web to view them again. TV broadcasters want you to go online and watch full shows for free.

Disney reportedly will offer its content online in a forced-advertising player that allows viewers to forward, pause, and rewind ads, but not skip them. What gets me is how Disney's telling its advertisers this will work out, but that's for later in our program.

Is this an end run around the DVR and on-demand time-shifters who avoid the TV advertising glut? Maybe. Then again, it could be all that TV broadcasters can do to survive: being where their audience spends more and more of its time.

"Video neutrality" has leveled the content distribution playing field. You can now watch a TV show tonight in the comfort of your living room or watch it online tomorrow for no cost. Is this really neutrality? For the audience it is. But for the advertisers buying :30 spots on the show, it could be perceived as an online value-add gyp... or benefit.

Brand advertisers that spend big bucks on broadcast spots will be grinding on the bone of contention with publishers who so much as mention charging for online, even if the TV spots do force commercial viewing. Is that really an ad model? Or is it just a quick way to avoid being neutered by online advertising? Maybe there's a new term here: "video neutering," video
neutrality's sad, sinister cousin.

The other option? We fall into a series of technology trends that influence advertisers to jump online with guarantees of impressions, richness, and a captive audience that can't wait to see small-format, digitally compressed shows while they do many other things online. Seems like a stretch to me.

Big brand advertisers should pay close attention to the fact online video isn't the panacea for the digital shift in their audience. At least, not yet.

Will this TV exodus to online going to overtake rich advertising? I don't profess any sure answers, just possibilities. If video wins the day, we'll surely miss a large quantity of great learning from rich media advertising. Video won't allow brand marketers the measurement detail they're used to or could enjoy with rich advertising.

Video is one element in an interactive experience (be it an ad or a Web site), not the whole experience. Most people don't make the distinction between video and a rich media banner ad in terms of advertising, but here's the issue at the core of the video onslaught:

Video isn't truly interactive.

Sure, you can interact with it. But you can't do much more than control the play (the cue points in the video), and where you control play isn't trackable, either. It's a very lo-fi interactive ad. It's a different story if you allow users to post comments or share, but a lot of the time we only see that on video sites such as IFILM and YouTube.

On the other hand, a rich media ad provides marketers with a multitude of interactions to track; too many, in some cases. As I've said before, there's a real opportunity in valuing an online ad interaction in league with conversions, unaided awareness, and the whole host of brand and direct response metrics out there.

As we push forward into the great unknown of interaction through digital media, we must remember a content shift isn't a forerunner of things to come but a reality that's already here. What's coming is the possibility to allow every image we see on a screen to no longer be static but to be the beginning of an interactive experience.

Oh, and we should have fun while we're getting there, too.

Join us for our Online Video Advertising Forum in New York City, June 16, 2006.
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About the Author: Dorian Sweet's is the executive creative director at Tribal DDB's San Francisco office, where he leads strategic development and innovation in online advertising, Web development, and customer relationship management programs. Previously, he brought award winning online solutions to such clients as Miller Brewing Company, GE, Visa, eBay, British Airways, Wells Fargo, Discovery Networks, Motorola, Kodak, Sears, 20th Century Fox, and others.